How to Kill Fleas in Yard?

Are you having problems with fleas at home and yard? Okay, that happens to all pet owners from time to time. Knowing how to get rid of fleas outdoors is essential to keeping the environment clean and healthy, especially if your pets love to move around.

However, flea infestation is a reality in several homes. They generate quite a headache, and we often find it difficult to stop the infestation.

How to Kill Fleas in Yard

Using insecticide sprays, bombs, and other natural solutions to control these insects are effective treatment options for eliminating fleas. Your vacuum cleaner is one of the most powerful tools and the best way to combat fleas.

Then natural household items, like apple cider vinegar, baking soda, lemon peels, and related products come next. However, the best way to get rid of fleas once and for all is by using chemical-free methods and maintaining good hygiene.

These, and many other simple measures, can end the problem quickly. To help you in your quest of achieving a flee-free home or yard, we bring you some tips that will bring an end to the flea infestations menace.

Removing Fleas from the Yard

  1. Focus the flea treatment on shady areas where your pet stays frequently

Fleas make the party in dark places and humid environments. They are present in greater numbers in places where the dog likes to play, sleep, or rest. It is unnecessary to take care of the entire yard, especially areas with plenty of sun, as fleas do not like dry and sunny places.

If you want to know if fleas are in the yard, walk around your yard in white socks. If you get one in your socks, some places in the yard are likely infested.

Removing Fleas from the Yard
  1. Remove any debris that retains moisture and shade.

Collect fallen branches or leaves, piles of grass clippings, tools, or scattered equipment. When cleaning debris, fleas have fewer places to shelter.

  1. Spray an insecticide to kill all fleas

Look for a flea repellent or insecticide made for outdoor use that contains an adulticidal agent and insect growth regulator. These growth regulators prevent eggs from becoming larvae and adults.

Choose an insect growth regulator that can kill eggs, larvae, and pupae and an adulticidal agent to kill developed fleas. The most common IGRs are methoprene and pyriproxyfen, and a typical chemical ingredient against adult fleas is permethrin.

Aerosol insecticides are usually the easiest to use, as they allow applications only in problem areas.

In general, poison sprayers are not very effective as they cannot be used in a specific location and do not penetrate the floor as much.

You can apply most products for external use to infested places with the help of a garden hose. It is only necessary to pass the poison in the shady spots where your pet walks or lies or in dark spots with a lot of humidity. Follow application instructions carefully and repeat as necessary.

You may need to apply insecticide in the dry yard, as water can decrease the product’s effectiveness. Read and follow the directions on the label carefully before, during, and after application. Everyone should leave the house, including pets, for a few hours after application or until the insecticide is dry.

  1. Hire a professional pest control service

If you want help applying the insecticide or if you don’t like the idea of ​​pesticides alone, hire a professional. Call a pest control company for information. Before closing, check what type of poison will be used and the cost.

  1. Use cedar chips to prevent further infestations.

Fleas don’t like the smell of cedar woods, so this can be an additional trick to prevent. Spread some cedar wood chips around shrubs and trees or along a sidewalk.

You can find cedar wood chips or shavings for sale on the internet, at gardening supply stores, or for the home.


If your dog always plays with other dogs, notify their owners of a possible flea problem. If everyone takes action, you can prevent further infestations.

Regular cleaning of the house always reduces the number of fleas.


Everyone in the house should wash their hands before eating, especially children. If someone swallows a tapeworm-infected flea, they may also have the worm.

Ways to get rid of fleas in the dirt yard

With a few simple and practical measures, you will already know how to stop fleas in the dirt yard. However, remember that it is necessary to have patience and be persistent.

After all, this type of insect tends to increase and reproduce in an accelerated manner, generating even more discomfort. So, use the tips and suggestions below and say goodbye to flea-related problems.

  1. Avoid accumulating debris that may intensify the manifestation.

You must avoid accumulating debris in your yard. This includes cardboard and wood, for example. These accumulations can become the ideal home for the proliferation of the dreaded fleas. Hence, regularly do the cleaning in your yard. And if you have to store any material, try to do it in an organized way. Always keep it clean and well packaged if possible to decrease the chances of fleas entering and accumulating in this type of material and make your yard more visually attractive.

  1. Always keep the environment clean.

It has already become clear that maintaining the place’s hygiene is essential to inhibiting the proliferation of fleas. So, always try to keep your yard neat and clean. For example, keep plant pots always well maintained and pruned. The less mess you have in your yard, the fewer corners for fleas.

However, remember that proper organization is not the only ally in the fight against fleas, nor is the manifestation of these insects only from “dirty” environments. This is just another way of inhibiting proliferation. But, it is still possible for fleas to reproduce since they are super resistant and can adapt to different environments.

  1. Free your dog from fleas!

With the previous steps in place, it’s time to wait for the result. Wrong!

You need to check that your dog is not showing signs of flea infestation. So, if it is, you can find the correct medicine for its size and breed.

In this case, you must use specific flea shampoo. Asides from flea shampoos, there is also the option of flea collars. You can also talk to your trusted veterinarian to find out the best medicine for your dog.

  1. Check the other rooms in the house.

It’s essential that you also do a “heavy” survey in all areas of your home. Because if your dog shows the manifestation, there may be an infestation of fleas even inside the house. That way, you should sanitize and disinfect your entire home using the homemade and chemical recipes we will present in this article on killing fleas in the yard.

Always change your bedding and pet’s bedding regularly and, in case of severe contamination, always take very good care of the possible bites that you may get from them. Wash your cat and dog bedding with antibacterial soapy water to avoid further complications.

The process can seem a little difficult and even time-consuming. But, as we already mentioned, the idea is that you do not give up. It is possible to stop fleas!

  1. Observe the environment to avoid a proliferation

With all the other points in place, you will need to monitor the performance of all the cleaning you do. And so you can analyze whether you are already free of the problem at home or in your yard.

Likewise, it is essential that you closely monitor disposal in your backyard to ensure no sudden increase in the number of fleas, thus maintaining greater control.

  1. Learn how to make a homemade flea remedy

Finally, learn how to make a powerful home remedy and source natural remedies to once and for all how to stop fleas in the dirt yard.

How to rid fleas with white vinegar

You will need very few ingredients. They are:

  • 5 liters of white vinegar;
  • 5 liters of filtered water;
  • 600 ml of lemon juice;
  • 300 g of witch hazel extract.

Mix all the ingredients well and rest for 10 minutes to prepare the solution. Then shake well and place them in a large sprayer.

Spray the mixture throughout your yard – previously cleaned and organized – to kill all fleas. Repeat this process for at least seven days.

Tip: If you notice that the problem is inside your home, use the same mixture to end the problem. To do this, clean up with the aid of a vacuum cleaner, and spray the mixture on all corners and surfaces. Repeat until the problem is eliminated. Note that the vacuum will suck in fleas and ticks. To ensure the proper disposal of the vacuum bags.

How to Take Care of Your Pet

  1. Use an anti-flea shampoo.

These natural ingredients are very effective in fighting fleas and do not irritate the animal’s skin. You can find one of these shampoos at pet stores or ask your vet for a recommendation. Avoid products that contain insecticides such as pyrethrins, as they can irritate the pet’s skin or yours.

Before applying a flea shampoo to your pet, talk to your veterinarian first, as some can be toxic. Those containing cedar or tea tree oil, for example, are dangerous to cats.

  1. Give your pet a natural flea bath.

The first step in treating the infected animal is to bathe it, and you can take it to the vet for a chemical bath. But if you prefer to treat the problem with a great natural approach, try the following baths that can help kill fleas naturally:

  • Prepare a rosemary dip: Take two and a half cups of fresh rosemary sprigs, cover them with water and boil for half an hour. Place the infusion in a gallon of warm water. Pour the still-warm water over your pet. This is one of the most effective natural ways to treat fleas on dogs and cats.
  • Make a lemon dip: Boil the peels of 2 lemons in 2 cups of water for half an hour. Place the infusion in a gallon of warm water. Pour the still-warm water over the animal.
  • Use soapy water: Using a soapy water solution in the mild foam can also work. Wash your cat or dog thoroughly using warm water.

Give the animal a bath starting at the head. When fleas become aware of water, they seek shelter in dry, difficult-to-reach places. Therefore, it is a good idea to at least wet your pet’s ears, rectum, eyes, and neck before washing the rest of its body. Lather the pet, let the foam act for at least 15 minutes and rinse to kill all fleas.

When rinsing the shampoo, divide the hair, removing dead fleas and their eggs.

Read the product packaging carefully. In some cases, applying the shampoo several times during the bath is necessary.

The frequency of baths with anti-flea shampoo depends on the effectiveness to fight the infestation, the breed and age of the animal, and the veterinarian’s recommendations.

  1. Use a fine comb after bathing.

The infusions will have killed some fleas, but removing the eggs will still be necessary. Buy a fine flea comb at a pet store and carefully use it on your pet’s fur to remove all traces of fleas.

  1. Treat your pet with a natural flea repellent.

Fleas are repelled by some scents and oils that you can apply directly to dogs. Cats, in turn, can be harmed by the use of certain oils. So avoid treating your pets unless the veterinarian has recommended the substance. Here are some options for treating your pets:

  • Lavender essential oil: Rub a little on your dog’s neck and back. This method is said to kill and repel fleas, and it is, in fact, one of the best natural.
  • Eucalyptus oil: Make a spray by mixing 1 cup of water and five drops of oil, then spray all over the dog’s body to repel fleas. This is natural and non-toxic. However, do not use this treatment on cats.
  • Lemon: Boil lemon peels for half an hour, fill a spray bottle with the already cold mixture, and spray your dog. This method is safe for cats as well.

Alternatively, try running a brush with lemon juice on the animal’s hair. Fleas also don’t like the smell of the fruit, so they are less likely to settle on the animal. Just dip your comb or brush in the lemon juice before brushing it. It is possible to reapply the juice every day or whenever you comb the pet’s hair. Lemon juice does not kill fleas, and it acts in prevention, so it must be reapplied to be effective.

  • Apply apple cider vinegar: This helps to prevent infestations naturally. After removing fleas from the animal with an appropriate shampoo, take preventive measures not to return. If you do not want to use products that contain harmful and irritating ingredients, apple cider vinegar, with its strong and unpleasant odor, can inhibit fleas. Just mix equal amounts of water and vinegar in a flea spray bottle and sprinkle the solution on the animal’s body, taking care not to reach the animal’s eyes, nose, and ears. Apply the apple cider vinegar solution whenever you notice a flea on the dog or before walking the dog. If you don’t enjoy the smell of apple cider vinegar, use lemon as a natural preventative.

Repeat the treatment until the fleas are gone. Most likely, you will have to bathe, comb, and treat your pet several times until you win this battle. Keep an eye out for your pet showing signs of more fleas, and plan to give your dog or cat immersion baths once a week to kill flea eggs and larvae.

  1. Follow your vet’s advice.

Use the flea treatment indicated by the veterinarian for the best results; perhaps he prescribes a flea paste, a topical or oral medication. Products sold without a prescription may be effective or not. So it is best to do the treatment indicated by the veterinarian, as it meets your pet’s specific needs. Follow the instructions exactly to make the correct application.

Collars that contain only one component are not usually as strong and fall short of flea control. Topical products are less likely to irritate and maybe more effective over time.

How to Clean and Treat the Home Against Fleas

  1. Wash your pet’s bedding with hot soapy water

As soon as you notice that your pet has fleas, wash its bed with very hot water to kill all the fleas and their eggs. Wash other objects your pet has come into contact with, such as cloth toys, pillows, etc.

  1. Wash your bed and bath linen

Fleas have likely spread beyond your pet’s territory, so put everything to wash. You may need to wash your clothes, your sheets and bedspreads (if your pet sleeps with you), sofa cushions, and any other place where there may be fleas.

  1. Vacuum the carpet and upholstery

With a powerful vacuum cleaner, clean the entire carpet, take it easy and go through the entire length more than once. You can also vacuum the sofa, armchairs, and rugs and use the hose to vacuum the cracks in the floor.

It has been proven that using the vacuum cleaner kills fleas, and it sucks both adult fleas and eggs.

After vacuuming, empty the vacuum bag. Otherwise, fleas will hatch and come out of the vacuum to reinfest your home and yard.

  1. Treat the carpet with baking soda.

Cover it all with a layer of the product. Use several boxes. Leave for at least 4 hours or overnight, and then vacuum. Bicarbonate dries fleas and flea eggs on the carpet, helping kill fleas and new fleas before hatching.

You can use borax instead of baking soda to care for the carpet. Do not forget to vacuum the entire unit after treatment.

Salt is also a cheap and effective weapon against fleas. Use it in the same way that you would use baking soda.

  1. Spread diatomaceous earth across the rooms

This all-natural flea powder kills adult fleas (and other insects) by piercing their exoskeleton when they walk on it. Spread the fine powder on the areas where you have seen adult fleas. Leave for 24 hours, then vacuum.

  1. Use a dehumidifier

If your home is damp, it offers the perfect climate for fleas. You can make your home less hospitable by using a dehumidifier to dry the air. Depending on the season, you can also turn on the air conditioner, fans, or heater.

  1. Mow the lawn

Fleas multiply in the tall grass, protecting them from the intense sun and moistening the environment. Hence, lawn care is a good treatment option. Leaving them exposed to the sun is the best way to kill them. Mow your lawn frequently to not grow large enough to house the fleas. You can use sodium borate for the weed and spread it on the spot where you saw the adult fleas. Leave the product on for 24 hours, and then vacuum. Such a method will kill weed in a few days.


Dealing with a flea infestation can be stressful, especially if they are on pets, indoors, and in the yard. However, did you see how getting rid of fleas in the yard is simpler than it looks?

With some reasonable care, you can make a difference in your yard and life. Luckily, it is possible to solve the problem and avoid occurrences in the future without having to call a professional.

The secret is to use several methods simultaneously and apply the treatment consistently to pets and home improvement. In addition, if you discover fleas in your pets, be sure to clean the house and yard so that the infestation does not return.